April 15, 2020
Today’s Menu:
Puree of Zucchini
Farmer’s Rice with Chicken and crispy Pork Belly
& Maple Butter Biscuits
Heat and Eat!
This dish eats like a risotto and it is inspired by Sonia Hernandez and Juans Artigal of Santes Creus, Tarragona, Spain. Two amazing chefs that excel in hospitality as owners of the one and only Hostel Grau. Like many others around the world, they are affected. This one goes out in your name guys!
Today we were able to share with 26 staff at Broward Health North plus, 3 other nurses, 2 firefighters, 1 mail man and several families in Boca Raton and Lighthouse Point, for a total of 90 meals and with a small delivery yesterday we are at 700 meals shared.
Stay safe and healthy.
Cris & Keith
If you know someone that is in need please let us know and we will do what we can.
90 servings